Friday, October 4, 2013

Letter D Week Sept 30th-Oct 4th

Letter D Week and Dinosaur Week

On Monday, I almost always introduce the letter for the week both uppercase and lowercase, as well as its sound.  Lowercase d is for daisy (above).

 And uppercase D is for Dinosaur (above). 

 This game is the Letter D game.  D is for daisy, doll, dolphin, dog, duck, dollar, dinosaur, Dora, dress and diamond.  I hide the items and then the kids get to find the items.  
 This is our alphabet page for Letter D, we color the D in the left hand corner, color the picture in the middle, practice the whole sign language alphabet and new letter....and then trace/write both uppercase and lowercase letter D's.  Whew! 
 For our food experience this week, we tried to make Dinosaur Fossil cookies using a Snickerdoodle recipe.  We flatten our dough ball and then used dinosaur action figures to make foot prints and body prints in our cookies.  Look can see T-Rex's feet prints!
 We are very hard at work making a color book and this is our blue page.  We know a song and how to spell the colors; red, yellow, orange and blue.  
 And now its, October.  So Miss Heidi put away all the September stuff and apples.  She got out the October stuff and she needed help decorating the bulletin boards.  We made paper plate bats, I got the idea here :

These are the books about Dinosaurs that we read this week.

Some of the snacks we had this week were cheez its, bananas, candy corns, marshmallows, pretzels, poptarts and chocolate milk.  A huge thank you!

We played Duck, Duck, Goose during recess with Miss Heidi on the trampoline.  

Miss Heidi broke the swing and landed on her ....pockets! Ouch!

We had a few tears saying good-bye to Mommies.

We had lots of singing and dancing. (During our one dance song we have started playing follow the leader, and you should see our dance moves)!

  We still talk like Cookie Monster every time we sing the letter song.

We learned why Dinosaurs became extinct???

We started learning some spooky Halloween Songs. (Miss S, is soooo scared by my Halloween Music, she told me today).

Here are the sightwords we have learned--- a, an, and, I

Next week is all about the Letter E and the color purple.  The letter E is for Exercise! 

Alright, over and out,
Miss Heidi

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your post. Mr. S has been making up sign language to tell me lots of things this week. He often says things like, "this is how you say stay here in sign language." I wondered where he picked up on the concept of sign language because I rarely use it at our house. After reading your post and seeing your worksheet with the letter "D" in sign language Now I know, he learned it in pre-school. Thanks for being a part of my village that helps raise my awesome kids! You're great!
