Sunday, November 24, 2013

Letter I Week 18th-22nd

Letter I Week/Native Americans (Indians) & The Color Black
Alphabet Pages on Monday

 Write Letter I on Wednesday
 Make Homemade Ice Cream for food experience on Wednesday
 Indian Feather Headdress on Friday
 The color black page on Friday
 Books we read this week.
-We learned the letter I (uppercase and lowercase)
-We learned letter I's sound (there are 2)
-We learned letter I in sign language
-We learned the color black and a song
-We made homemade ice cream
-We read stories
-We had wonderful snacks-string cheese, gogurts, ice cream sandwiches, apple juice, kool-aid, whoppers and frosted animal crackers.
-We went for a walk and talked about signs of Fall
-We danced
-We made Indian Headdresses
-We sang one little, two little, three little Indians
-We had another fantastical week!

Next week is all about Thanksgiving.  Tomorrow is our Thanksgiving Feast-where we eat a yummy Thanksgiving lunch!  And then Wednesday will be another fun easy going day full of Thanksgiving Celebration! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for sharing your beautiful, smart, children with me.  
I love them. 
-Miss Heidi

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Letter G Week 7 Letter H Week

Letter G Week & Letter H Week
Letter G alphabet page uppercase
 and lowercase.
 Letter H alphabet page uppercase
 and lowercase
 Letter G handwriting paper
 Letter H handwriting paper
 Letter G food experience; Bake and decorate Gingerbread Men Cookies.
 Letter H food experience; Dip marshmallows in melted chocolate and make Pilgrim Hats.
 Letter G hiding game; Letter G is for Giraffe, granola, glue, glasses, goat, green, graduation cap, grapes, glitter, ghost and Gingerbread Man.
Letter H hiding game.  Letter H is for heart, helicopter, horse, happy, hanger, hammer, hand, hat, hen and harmonica. 
 Find the Gingerbread Man game.
 Lace a Gingerbread Man.  This skill is so tricky. You can undo the yarn and have them practice lacing for extra fine motor skill practice.
 These are the stories we read during Letter G week.
 And these are the stories we read during Letter H week.

 We also....
... learned the color white 
.....and the color brown.
Sang lots of songs.
Had snacks like-grapes, goldfish, honeydew, fruit snacks, graham crackers, capri suns, and pomegranate.
we gave Mr. G a cheer since his name starts with letter G.
we gave Miss Heidi a cheer since her name starts with letter H.
We had a funny discussion last week during snack time about how old the children think their parents are.  Many of them guessed that you are all 100 years old, and some of you would be very pleased to hear how young they think you are....28.  Some of you are that young...hurray! It was funny.

Next week is the letter I, the color black and Indians (Native Americans-but Indians start with I).  

Thanks for another few weeks of awesomeness, 
Miss Heidi

Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween Week

Halloween Week
Painted Candy Corn Feet

Counting with Candy Corns

 Candy Corn Shaped Sugar Cookies

Spider Hats

Pin the Spider on the Web Game

Make Glow in the Dark Slime and Put in Frankenstein Jar

Halloween Snack-Candy Corn Cupake, Monster Eyes, and Cracker with Cheese shapes

 Here are the two stories from this week.  Miss A's Mom came to our Halloween Party and she had a fun narration to the book "Big Pumpkin", we listened to the story and then she helped the children act out the story through movement.  It was really awesome to watch and especially for the children to be part of.

This week was so much fun.  Our Halloween Party was a little hectic, but I think the kids loved every minute of it.  Plus, they looked so dang cute in their costumes!

Next week is the Letter G, the color brown, Gingerbread Man week and sightword-for.  Yep, that's it.  See you all soon! Thanks to all the moms who came and helped at our party-I seriously could not have done it without all of you!
-Miss Heidi