Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 24th-28th

Hello its was a Fabulous Week at Preschool.  We learned so many new things...
1. The letter B (Uppercase and Lowercase) and its sound.
2. All about rectangles.  Rectangle, rectangle. Two short, Two long. Remember this rule and you won't go   wrong.
3. Letter B is for Bananas.
4. We made a letter B page, with all things "B".  We will make this page every Monday for every letter of the alphabet.  I was thinking you could punch holes in these papers that come home and instead of throwing them away, save them and make a abc book.  Tie it together with ribbon through the holes, put it in a binder or put those rings threw the holes.  Just an idea.
5. We made our handprint letter B page for our end of the year ABC book.
6.  We made "B" bracelets.  B is for bracelets and beads.
7.  We made Banana pops.  Yum!
8.  We had three fabulous snacks.  Banana Pops, mini nilla wafers and strawberry milk-Thanks Miss P. We had Banana splits and mini nilla wafers-Thanks Miss Heidi. 
9. We celebrated our first birthday this year for Mr. G.  He turned 3 and we sang, he wore a bday crown.  He got a present and he brought us cupcakes for snack! Yeah! Happy Birthday!
10.  We are doing a science experiment with a banana over the weekend.  We left a banana in the fridge and one on the table.  We are going to see which one turns brown the fastest.  Which one do you think?
11.  B is for Bubbles outside at recess!
12.  We sang songs, B is for Bumble Bees and "I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee", song.
13.We checked out letter B on our favorite website,
14.  And we did a lot of practicing tracing rectangles, the letter Bb and holding our markers, pencils and crayons correctly.
15. We read 3 stories for the letter B, "Button Soup", "B Book", and "Snug House, Bug House".
 Of course there is more, but this blog would be way too long and you wouldn't read it all anyway.

Next week, or tomorrow-is all about the letter C. C is for Cookie.  We will be making cookies, learning all things letter C and the shape (oval).  October calendars are done and will come home tomorrow.  Tuition is due tomorrow as well.  See you all shortly. I love your children, I love spending time with them and I love teaching them.  I have a wonderful job! Thanks for sharing your children with me.

-Miss Heidi

Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 17th-21st

This week learned about the Lette Aa.  Letter A is for Apples!
-We read 1. I am an Apple
                2. Ten Red Apples
                3. One Little, Two Little, Three Little Apples!
-We made a Letter A, and ants were eating our apple
-We made a Letter A page with a handprint apple for our abc book that we work on all year long.  This book comes home at our preschool program at the end of the year.
-We made homemade applesauce.
-We made and apple stamping art project.
-We learned a lot about apples. There is a star in the middle of all apples.  There are lots of different colored apples.  There are many different types of apples (Gala, Pink Lady, Jazz, Red Delicious....).
-For science we buried an apple core in the garden and checked on it everyday this week.  We watched it get smaller and smaller.  We talked about it eventually disappering into the dirt.  We talked about how it will help the dirt and feed the insects that live in the dirt. 
-We checked out a cool  This site helps us learn letters in a fun way.
-We also learned about CIRCLES!
-We played circle games, sang circle songs and practiced tracing circles.
-We sang lots of songs this week about: circles, apples and the letter A.
-We had wonderful snacks, string cheese and fruit leather.  Also, applespice cake and chex mix.  And bunnie cheese cracker and juice.  Thank you Mr. M, Mr. L and Mr. J.  We are so lucky!

It's been an applerific week.  Next week is all about the letter Bb, bananas and rectangles! See you all soon!-Miss Heidi

Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 10th-14th...

This week was all about Chicka Chicka 123, by Bill Martin Jr.. So we learned a lot about numbers, our names (how to recognize them) and apples/apple trees.

Here are a few of the things we did:
-We read "Chicka Chicka 123" and used number magnets to help us tell the story.
-We experimented with an apple, we put one apple slice in milk, one in water and one in lemon juice.  Then we watched which one stayed fresh the longest and which one turned brown the fastest.
-We made an appleseed counting book.
-We made mini apple pies and ate them for snack, with vanilla ice cream.
-We made name necklaces with letter beads. 
-We sang "one little, two little, three little apples.  Four little, five little, six little apples.  Seven little, eight little, nine little apples...Delicious as can be "Crunch" (to the tune of 10 little Indians).
-We had apples, string cheese and graham crackers for snack-Thank You Mr. J.
-We had granola bars, circus animal crackers, and peaches.  Yum-Thank You Miss E.
-We made an apple tree and filled it with number stickers. Just like the story.
-We painted an apple tree and colored apples in the tree.
-We played duck, duck-goose during recess on the trampoline.
-We colored with side walk chalk during recess.
-We played with the bubble machine and popped them all during recess.
-Everyone had a turn doing their 1st or 2nd show and tell.
-We learned the first line to the Pledge of Allegiance " I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag".
-We learned many new songs about: Tiny Tim, 10 Little Bears in the Bed, 5 Little Ducks went out to play, September, Counting by 10's, 5 Little Monkeys swinging in the tree, etc...
-We played lots of name games: recgonized our names in a graph, recognizing our names in a song and recognizing our names on cards.

Next week is all about:
The Letter A, upper case and lowercase, its sound and how to write it.

I am having so much fun teaching your children,
                                                                      -Miss Heidi

Friday, September 7, 2012

Here are a few highlights from our first day and first week here at Preschool.
-We read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
-We learned and sang a Chicka Chicka Dance
-We learned the names of all our new preschool friends
-We made a coconut tree and put letter stickers climbing up it.
-We explored a real coconut.  We tried it's coconut water and meat (and not of it made it to our stomachs)!
-We made coconut playdough and playdough snakes to match the first letters of our names.
-We had recess!
-We took pictures of us on our first day of Preschool (We were so cute)!
-We watched the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom video
-We made fruit salad with our freshly shredded coconut.
-We had yummy snacks! (mini nilla wafers, chocolate covered raisins and capri suns.  Then fruit salad and graham crackers).
-We are also learning about jobs that we get to do at school like: feed the turtle, take roll, be the pledge of  allegiance helper, pass out papers, pass out snack, etc.
It was a great first week here at Preschool.  Next week, we are reading Chicka Chicka 123 and learning how to recognize our names (And lots more, of course)
See you all next week,
                                       -Miss Heidi