Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 17th-21st

This week learned about the Lette Aa.  Letter A is for Apples!
-We read 1. I am an Apple
                2. Ten Red Apples
                3. One Little, Two Little, Three Little Apples!
-We made a Letter A, and ants were eating our apple
-We made a Letter A page with a handprint apple for our abc book that we work on all year long.  This book comes home at our preschool program at the end of the year.
-We made homemade applesauce.
-We made and apple stamping art project.
-We learned a lot about apples. There is a star in the middle of all apples.  There are lots of different colored apples.  There are many different types of apples (Gala, Pink Lady, Jazz, Red Delicious....).
-For science we buried an apple core in the garden and checked on it everyday this week.  We watched it get smaller and smaller.  We talked about it eventually disappering into the dirt.  We talked about how it will help the dirt and feed the insects that live in the dirt. 
-We checked out a cool  This site helps us learn letters in a fun way.
-We also learned about CIRCLES!
-We played circle games, sang circle songs and practiced tracing circles.
-We sang lots of songs this week about: circles, apples and the letter A.
-We had wonderful snacks, string cheese and fruit leather.  Also, applespice cake and chex mix.  And bunnie cheese cracker and juice.  Thank you Mr. M, Mr. L and Mr. J.  We are so lucky!

It's been an applerific week.  Next week is all about the letter Bb, bananas and rectangles! See you all soon!-Miss Heidi

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