Sunday, October 27, 2013

Letter F Week/Color Green & Frogs

Letter F Week, The Color Green & Frogs
So here are a few quick highlights from the week. Our famous Letter page on Monday where I introduce the letter, we sing a letter F song and we talk about everything we can think of that starts with the letter F. Letter F is for; flag, fish, fruit, flowers, frog, football, five, four, faith, fork, fly & feather

 I say to the kids "Let's pretend to be scientist and mix two colors together." "What do you think it will make blue and yellow together?"  They are all smart and say..."GREEN".  We talk about the last few colors we have made (yellow and red make-orange, blue and red make-purple).  We go outside to do this activity because it is a little messy and we sit out there for a good 10-15 minutes because the kids just love using the droppers, working in teams and being scientist mixing colors. 

 Here is our Letter F hiding game, I wonder if the children will ever get tired of it.  I hide the items, they find the items.  When they find the items we practice the sound fffffffffffffffff.
 We worked hard all week and on Friday we needed a fun day.  So it was witch day, we read a witch story, we made witches brew and sang the witches brew song at least three times, we made cookie witch hats (ate one right away and took one home) and made witches hats.  A huge thank you to the two moms who came because there is no way I could have done these hats by myself. They have bows, stickers, sequin's, googly eyes, foam stars, and glitter.  They looked amazing and it was so fun to see how different they all were.

Here are the stories we read this week. And a few un-pictured highlights. 
*We had wonderful snacks like-popcorn, capri suns, fish, fruit loops, juice, jack-o-lantern peaches and crackers.   
* We are learning color songs for all the colors.

*We learned a new sightword-my
(running list-a, an, and, I , like, my)

*We played follow the leader during dance time and got our wiggles out.

*We are learning sign language for every letter A-F so far.

*We had circle time and we can recite the entire pledge of allegiance, count how many days we have been to preschool, sing two October songs, know the days of the week, talk about the weather and have some awesome show and tells.

Here is what we can look forward to next week; Halloween Fun and  A Halloween Party (I could use a few moms to come help from 10:30-11:30)-Let me Know.

There is NO SCHOOL Friday

The end of year program is scheduled for May 21st at the Centerville Library.

See you all for a Scary Week, 
Miss Heidi

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