Highlights from our Week
1. Digging for worms in the garden and making them a home. We are still watching them.
2. Learning the Letter W (uppercase, lowercase & sound).
3. Practicing our Letter W handwriting page.
4. Making chocolate pudding worms in dirt cups (not pictured). We love eating worms! (gummy worms...that is).
5. Reading books about worms. We learned a lot of fun facts about worms.
6. Making worm art and flower art.
7. Having yummy snacks!
8. Catching ladybugs outside Miss Heidi's house. Apparently, they love my tree. They were everywhere in the tree, as well as their eggs.
9. Planting seeds....we hope they grow (not pictured).
10. Recess...its a favorite around here. I'm just saying!
Another week is done, our year is coming quickly to an end. I can't believe it is almost May. We will have our End of Year Program in May. Look for your May calendar coming home this week.
Thanks, Miss Heidi
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