Friday, April 26, 2013

Letter U Week April 15-19th & Letter V Week April 22nd-26th

Letter U Week
Letter U is for Unicorn, Up, Ukelele, Umbrella and Utah.  On Monday, we learned all about the letter U uppercase and  lowercase, its sound and of course the Letter Song U.

Its also Butterfly week and for our food experience we made goldfish/teddy graham butterflies.

Here is our letter U alphabet page for our end of the year alphabet book.  Letter U is for Umbrella.

We painted butterflies with watercolors.  This one was done by Miss Heidi.  The childrens butterflies were beautiful too-I just forgot to take a picture.

Letter V is for Vase, Vacuum, Vine, Vegetables, Valetine & Vest. We learned how to recognize uppercase & lowercase, sang its song and learned its sound...VVVVVVVVVVV.

V is for Van, another alphabet page for our book.  We are almost done.  These alphabet books are awesome when they are done at the end of the year.

For farm week we talked about all the animals we would find on a farm.  What foods we get from the animals? Milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, eggs, beef, ham & bacon, etc...So we made our own butter. 

Heavy Cream in a baby food jar with a pinch of salt and a marble. Shake, shake, shake some more. When you can't hear the marble, keep on shaking. Then when its watery and you can see a yellow ball of butter in the middle you are done. We ate homemade butter on Rolls. YUM!

These are the books we read for farm week.

We planted some seeds in a baggie, with a wet paper towel.  We can already see them sprouting.

On Friday, we were lucky because we got to go to Gabe's Uncles Farm.  We saw a peacock, a cow,

a turkey, a dog, a cat, fish and

baby bunnies.  We also got to bottlefeed baby goats. 
Also this week we walked across the street and fed the horses apples and carrots.
We checked out letter U & V on
We checked the letter U & V out on youtube sesame street letter videos.
We had wonderful snacks like: chocolate muffins, fruit strips, fruit snacks, pretzels, juice boxes, capri suns and string cheese.  We seriously have the best snacks, ever!
We played games that helped us sort and graph.
It was a super week.
Next week, is the letter W, plants & planting, and measurement.  Should be a ball! See you then.
Thanks, Miss Heidi

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