Hello Again,
Here are a few awesome things we did this week at Preschool....
* We learned all about the letter E, its sound, uppercase and lowercase and how to write it.
* "E" is for Elephant
* We made an "E" poster with all things "E".
* We made a naked egg. We soaked an egg in vinegar for about 2 days, rubbed the shell off of it and now we are going to feel it, talk about it and choose a color to change it.
* We started reading Halloween books, "I Like Pumpkins", "Fright Night Flight", and "Wee Withces Halloween".
* We made homemade peanut butter for our elephant friends.
* We had delicious snacks everyday: Homemade peanut butter with celery, apples, crackers and bread. We also had mini yogurts, string cheese and juice.
* We painted Halloween Masks that go along with this song...
"Who's behind this false face no body knows but me. Who's behind this false face no body knows but me. I won't tell you, you will have to ask. If your guess is right they will answer yes".
* We sang Halloween songs.
* We checked out letter "E" on starfall.com
* We had inside recess. Which means lots of dancing and we danced with our rhythm sticks to songs and had to listen to the song and do the actions.
It was a super duper week. See you all tomorrow for pumpkin day. Wednesday is our Halloween Party. Moms are welcome to come around 10 a.m. to help if you would like. Costumes are welcome and encouraged. Also on Wednesday it is tradition for the kids to parade in the front yard and trick or treat to the moms. If you could just bring 6 little treats, I will supply them with a bag. It doesn't have to be anything big; candy, pencil, gum, juice box, etc.. be creative. Our parade/trunk or treat will be on Wednesday at 11:20. Any questions call me!
Miss Heidi